Alright, so I've decided not to post the albums of But Does It Have To Be So Loud? in chronological order because, well... I don't really want to.
For the first post of the series I am giving you Mainliner's 1997 release Psychedelic Polyhedron. This cd is really really loud. It is hard to describe the style of the band, but anyone who has heard Acid Mothers Temple will hear similarities. And rightfully so. Kawabata Makoto, the leader of AMT,is also the guitarist for Mainliner. Although the group is only comprised of three members - bassist, guitarist, drummer - there is enough noise here to do some serious damage to your hearing. But it's not just noise. Mainliner is all about riffin',jammin', and rockin'.
So strap on your helmets, crank up the volume, and please enjoy Mainliner.
P.S. Comments are greatly appreciated! Let us know how we are doing!